"Every day is a fashion show and the world is my runway."

-Coco Chanel

About Annie

For as long as I can remember, I have loved fashion and helping others put looks together. While most of my friends were excited to have steady babysitting gigs, my first job at 14 was in a womens clothing boutique. It was there that I witnessed and experienced the joy and transformations customers underwent donning the perfect outfit.

Fast-forwarding to college, I was lucky enough to continue to pursue my passions through the textiles and merchandising program at the University of Wyoming. After grad school, I married and relocated to Cheyenne, WY where I began a position at a boutique as a buyer. My favorite aspect though continued to be helping our customers--getting them into the outfits that made their entire body radiate confidence.

Taking a break from the traditional workforce to stay home with our three kiddos for seven years, I felt like change was coming and I was ready to start something new. After a chance (that really wasn't chance at all..) meeting with an incredible influencer and lady powerhouse, I launched Aíne Styling in May 2019.

Getting clients into outfits that light up their entire being, taking their style to the next level, removing stress and building their confidence continue to be motivators. I can't wait to see what the future holds.

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